

Retrouvez ci-dessous toutes les informations sur ce diplôme

Licence 3 Management International

Gestion – Management, International

Présentation de la formation

Informations Générales 

Campus : Marne-la-Vallée

Nombre de places : 30 

Licence 3

Responsables : Sylvie Chevrier, Professeur des universités / Sophie Billette, PRAG

Contact : Emile VEZZOLI – – 01 60 95 70 67

Calendrier et rythme de la formation : 

  • Licence 3 : 414,5 heures – Début septembre à mi-mars, puis stage pour les étudiants internationaux, début septembre à début janvier, puis mobilité internationale dans l’une de nos universités partenaires pour les étudiants français

Le score IAE Message est obligatoire pour candidater.

Si vous n’avez pas eu votre résultat avant votre dépôt de candidature : téléchargez votre convocation au score ! Nous pourrons retrouver votre score avec le numéro de convocation. 


Toutes les informations sur les candidatures ici


Licence 3 – Management International is a one year full-time programme in Management mainly taught in English.

It is aimed at French and international students who have already earned 120 ECTS (European credit transfer system) or equivalent within the framework of a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent diploma (BA/BSc or equivalent) in management or economics.

This Bachelor’s degree in International Management is designed to provide basic skills in the core areas of business administration as well as an understanding of concepts, techniques and professional applications in several disciplines of management (marketing, performance management, human resource management). The curriculum includes introductory courses which enable candidates to apply for a Master’s degree in the field of Business and Management after graduation.

International students will gain skills for the professional environment from courses and the completion of an internship in a French company during the second semester.

International students will improve their French and have the opportunity to learn more about the French culture. They will work in groups of students from diverse national and cultural backgrounds.

Courses are held on the campus of the University Gustave Eiffel, just halfway from the heart of Paris (Châtelet) and Disneyland Paris (30 minutes from Paris center by train).

Lieu(x) :
Campus Marne-la-Vallée

Format(s) :

Mobilité internationale :

Conditions d'admission :
Dossier de candidature, Entretien, Score IAE Message (SIM)


Students must have earned 120 ECTS (European credit transfer system) or equivalent within the framework of a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent diploma (BA/BSc honors or equivalent) in Economics, Management and Social Sciences.

This program is designed for students fluent in English.

Admission is based on written application and individual interview.


International students must complete an internship lasting at least 2 months at a company located in France. The internship starts in April.