

Retrouvez ci-dessous toutes les informations sur ce diplôme

Master's degree Marketing and Sales – Product Sustainability Manager

Marketing – Communication – Sales

Training presentation

The second year “Product Sustainability Manager” is a new pathway of the Marketing and Sales master programme.

This course aims to train specialists with the ability to analyze qualitative and quantitative information about a market while mastering digital tools and operating according to a responsible logic. Students will be able to follow a sustainable marketing approach (societal communication, ethical marketing, eco-design) on strategic and operational levels in order to propose action plans that integrate new practices that respect current social and environmental issues.

The Responsible Product Manager is in charge of accompanying the transformation of products and services to make them more virtuous while guaranteeing the objectives of profitability and attractiveness of the offer.

Location :

Format :
Continuing education, Sandwich courses

Language(s) :

International mobility :

Admission requirements :
Application form, Recruitment interview, Score IAE Message (SIM)


Admission to the Master’s degree in Product Management is based on an application and an interview:

  • for students from the University of Angers who have obtained a Master 1 in a field other than Marketing, Sales ;
  • for students who have obtained a Master 1 from another French university;
  • for students holding any other French diploma recognized as Bac+4.