

Retrouvez ci-dessous toutes les informations sur ce diplôme

Undergraduate degree BBA International Bachelor in Management

Administration – Management, International

Training presentation

The 3rd year MGI Bachelor is the final year of the International Bachelor in Management program (Licence Management et Gestion à l’International), which has been created for students eager to learn and practice Management in an international context. It is a fully English-speaking program with opportunities to study and/or do internships abroad each of the three years of the program. Students acquire a solid academic and scientific basis, as well as operational, technical and social skills in the field of management and its various disciplines. They are then able to pursue their studies in specialized Masters taught in various languages and work in a wide range of businesses and industries, and adapt to a variety of cultural contexts.

Location :

Format :
Initial training

Language(s) :

International mobility :


No students are recruited from outside the IAE for the 3rd year only. We welcome incoming exchange students from our partner universities in and outside Europe for one semester or the full academic year.


Students are enrolled in a full-time study program from September to July, organized in 2 semesters. Between April and July, students are required to do an internship (min. 6 weeks) abroad or in France in a company or job having an international dimension. Students spending their 2nd semester abroad for an academic exchange are also expected to complete the internship.