

Retrouvez ci-dessous toutes les informations sur ce diplôme

2nd year of university Management et Gestion à l’International

Administration – Management, International

Training presentation

The 2nd Bachelor in Management is an English-speaking training program, in which students will acquire:

  • First operational and technical skills in management and business
  • Scientific knowledge
  • Improve their business English and practice foreign languages.

This course allows students to position themselves at the end of their year regarding their future orientation in the field of management sciences.

The L2 program will take place on Vieux-Lille campus.

Teaching is provided by assistant, associate and full professors, but also by professionals from various business fields.

Location :

Format :
Initial training

International mobility :

Admission requirements :
Application form, Recruitment interview


The initial L2 prorgam is open to all students who have validated at least a first Bachelor year.


  • Compulsory registration via the ‘Espace Candidats’ on the website
  • Examination of the application file