

Retrouvez ci-dessous toutes les informations sur ce diplôme

Undergraduate degree International Retail

International, Marketing – Communication – Sales

Training presentation

Retail Research and Retail Communications are designed to help students to develop an understanding of the elements of retail strategy, the details of marketing tactics and the general principles of retail marketing in today’s rapidly evolving technological and diversified world.

The retail curriculum will provide students with the critical analysis and decision making skills required of retail marketers today. Students will learn state-of-the-art digital marketing and research tools and grow their literacy in analytics, social media, advertising and consumer behavior.

Format :
Initial training

International mobility :

Admission requirements :
Application form, Recruitment interview


120 ECTS or VAE credits. Accessible after a license 2, a BTS, a DUT, a CPGE.


During the first semester (from September to December), students have two possibilities:
– complete their semester on the French program (the student must apply for the License 3 Distribution: Please note that lessons are given in French.
– carry out international mobility via our Erasmus program (students will have to apply for the License 3 Distribution to do their mobility; they can obtain information from our international relations department)
During the second semester (from January to April) lessons are taught by visiting professors from foreign universities. Students are strongly encouraged to complete their internship abroad. Lessons are taught entirely in English, with a specialization in retail.