

Retrouvez ci-dessous toutes les informations sur ce diplôme

Administration – Management, Economy and management

Training presentation

Combine a busy career with a world-class MBA

More and more managers are working internationally, living like global nomads as they move from job to job, and from country to country. Dealing with different cultures, with different traditions, is becoming part of daily business. Working from home, in hotel rooms, at airports and in the train, are common practice for today’s manager.

The EuroMBA 2-year curriculum addresses the needs of the modern manager, covering all core courses, from corporate finance to change management with online learning. On top of that, the EuroMBA provides a range of leadership skills:

  • Coaching
  • Negotiation
  • Decision Making
  • Leading Change
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Competency Development

Flexibility is key in the EuroMBA learning environment. Participants study anywhere, anytime with support from professionals from around the world. The thematic residential programme serves to inspire and integrate knowledge as well as allowing participants to develop those essential business networks, composed of more than 20 different nationalities, with more than 50% of the participants living outside of their country of origin.

The needs of the modern manager are threefold:

  • to keep up with contemporary business skills
  • to find innovative and flexible approaches to learning
  • to build an international network

The EuroMBA answers these needs.

Location :

Format :
Continuing education

International mobility :

Admission requirements :
Application form, Other tests, Recruitment interview


Requirements to apply

  • Minimum of 5 years professional experience
  • Minimum of bachelors degree or equivalent
  • Proficiency in English*

*If there are concerns about English proficiency a TOEFL may be required. Min score 250.