

Retrouvez ci-dessous toutes les informations sur ce diplôme

Master 2 Master 2 Financial Market and Risk Evaluation – Double Diplôme HEC Liège


Présentation de la formation


The double degree « Financial market and Risk Evaluation » (DU – FiRE) is a degree of excellence that gives a double competence in market finance and banking. It aims at training financial professionals as financial analysts, fund and asset managers, consultants and financial market professionals.

It gives access to the Master of Banking and Asset Management of HEC Management School – University of Liège (ULiège) in Belgium – and the corresponding degree, in addition to the Master Financial Markets and Risk Evaluation of TSM.

Students who enrol in this programme spend the first two semesters at TSM and the third and fourth semesters at HEC Liège.


The double degree enables students to:

  • acquire reasoning and knowledge in the fields of financial institution management and fund management;
  • acquire an in-depth knowledge of financial institutions, markets and financial instruments, as well as the way they operate and are used;
  • master concepts and issues related to portfolio management and management of financial risks;
  • understand the scope of financial operations through mastering innovative approaches and their calculation and optimisation;
  • gain a critical perspective on the skills acquired in the programme through personal reflection on the financial function and the experiences accumulated during individual and group tasks.

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Format(s) :

Langue(s) :

Mobilité internationale :

Conditions d'admission :
Dossier de candidature, Entretien


  • Candidates must apply during their M1 in Finance at TSM.
  • Successful completion of 180 ECTS (Master 1) in Management, Economy,Mathematics or Engineering or any equivalent degree.
  • As it is taught in English, an English language test for non-English speakers is required (B2). List of the language certificates accepted here.
  • Examination of candidate’s application and possible interview.